Monday, April 22, 2013

The Escalante River, Snow Canyon, Capitol Reef, and Freemont Indian National Parks, Cedar City and St. George

 Hanging out with my new friend
We took a four day weekend this month, hitting up Cedar City, The Escalante River, Snow Canyon St. George, Boulder, Capitol Reef National Park, and Freemont Indian National Park. It was a crazy weekend, and now we are up to six national and state parks so far this month! 

 After driving in late Thursday night, we slept in Friday, then went antiquing and dining in St. George.
 Saturday, we took the Escalante river trail, visited Boulder, and went driving through Capitol Reef national Park scenic drive. On the Escalante trail, we spotted remnants of the Anizasi cave homes.


 Sunday, we went hiking in Snow Canyon National Park, and got super lost! Somehow, we found our way back to the car, and back to the Thai place for dinner. While in the park, there was so much wildlife. We spotted a snake, rabbits, lizards, and a bat. The desert was in bloom, and the weather was perfect. This was a my favorite day on the trip!
 Inside a lava cave

 Lava flow and caves
 Petrified sand dunes
 Cactus in bloom

 Petrified sand dune
 Monday, we took the scenic route home. We were both so tired after a weekend full of hiking, and I had a bum foot, but we still managed to hit up Freemont Indian national Park. It was a small park, but there were lots of pictographs along the canyons, and a neat little museum with artifacts and a  forensic recreation of a Freemont Indian woman skull.
It was a great, and busy trip!

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